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Saturday, September 11, 2010


Pay-television viewers can once again enjoy seamless broadcasts from M-Net’s state-of-the-art Broadcast Centre in Randburg, Johannesburg. M-Net’s broadcast engineers and technical crew found and fixed the IT system glitch, which caused unforeseen on-air problems, following the migration to a new broadcast server in mid August.

According to Eddie McAlone, M-Net’s Technical Director: Operations, M-Net’s highly skilled broadcast services team worked around the clock for many days to address this unique, unexpected situation. “The first step was to resolve the underlying problem in the new IT broadcast system. Thereafter we had to identify all the corrupted files among the thousands on the system and reload these files, while also dealing with additional backlogs as a result of the glitches.”

The M-Net team cut the backlog of more than 3,000 files to zero in a matter of days. To ensure that similar technical problems do not occur in future, a top international engineer from the supplier of the aforementioned system arrived in South Africa on September 7.

M-Net’s CEO, Patricia Scholtemeyer, would like to thank viewers for their patience and understanding during this period.