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Thursday, September 9, 2010


Historic multi-media production to be staged at M L Sultan Canegrowers Hall.

A historic multi-media production entitled the MarkeTEARS is being staged at the M.L.Sultan Canegrowers Hall on September24 and 25. The production is based on snippets from the 1999 academic article "A Public Health Nuisance: The Victoria Street Early Morning Squatters Market, 1910-1934 by Goolam Vahed,

Produced by the WOMEN IN ACTION (WIA) and co-directed by Vivian Moodley and Sam Moodley, the production brings together 28 actors from the Early Morning Market and local communities, together with choreographers, dancers and musicians to trace the hardships of indentured market-gardeners in their struggle to build the Early Morning Market.

The event coincides with the solidarity-collaboration of 'dala' (artarchitecture for social change), the ROCS project (Research of Curries and Surrounds Project), and Crystal Clear Visual Communication CC.

MarkeTEARS seeks to bring to life the history of the Early Morning Market. It is the story of the market portrayed by the market community in dialogue, song and dance; and is a celebration of the more than 100 years of the Early Morning Market, as well as the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the arrival of indentured Indian labourers to the South African shores. This is a good opportunity to come to grips with an essential part of South African history and get a glimpse of what life was like in colonial Natal in the latter part of the 19th century.

This is community struggle theatre - cultural action for social change! Listen to the market folk tell their own story and wWatch 'never seen before' footage and pictures of police brutality at the market.

Performances take place on September 24 at 15h00 (tickets R20) and on September 25 at 18h00 (tickets R40). Tickets available from Roy Chetty on 031 563 1722 or 082 334 8461.