The seventh Series Concert of Baroque 2000 will take place on October 24. The programme will include Georg Friedrich Handel’s Trio Sonatas, Cantata for Soprano, 2 violins and continuo Tu fedel? Tu costante? with soprano Lauren Dasappa, and Concerto Grosso No 9.
Sponsored by Die Rupert Musiekstigting, the Baroque 2000 concert takes place on October 24 at 15h00 in the Church of the Monastery, Mariannhill. Tickets R80 at the door. There is ample free parking and coffee will be available from Caffe Pronto before and after the concert. More information from Michel Schneuwly on 031 312 5539 or at sursouth@iafrica.com
There will be just two more concerts in the orchestra’s 2010 season at its beautiful Mariannhill home with the church’s fine acoustics.