Coinciding with the premiere season of Clinton Marius’s The Fantastical Flea Circus at the Catalina Theatre (December 11 to January 9), there will be an exhibition titled The Flea Portrait which will be presented in the foyer of the Catalina for the duration of the show.
All artists are invited to submit works for this enterprising venture which will attract strong press coverage for the run at Catalina Theatre and other places the show might tour to. Obviously the style should be 'portrait' so think Mona Lisa, etc!
The Flea Portrait must be 3cm or smaller – in fact, the smaller, the better. Magnifying glasses will be provided for viewing. Artists may work in any medium they like, but need to bear in mind that each portrait needs to be framed, including sculptures. Artists are free to frame the portrait themselves but if they do not wish to do so, then the exhibition organisers will. The frame should also be miniature, and fit in with the theme/period of the portrait. For instance: Fleopatra might be painted on a piece of papyrus while Napofleaon could be placed in some sort of gilt-edged Empire oval.
A list of famous fleas is available from Clinton Marius. Those who feel the urge to do a portrait of some other famous flea who is not on the list, then contact him.
The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2010 – contact Clinton on 082 573 3704 or email: copypuppy@artslink.co.za