On a garden stage surrounded by stars, Blue Stockings in Kloof presents folk/country songstress Jaspar Lepak for an unforgettable evening of live, original music. Joined by her husband Kale Lepak on accordion, Bryan Eaton on banjo, and the much loved Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby on violin, this Minnesotan’s boot-tapping, soul-stirring storytelling promises to “draw your heart out onto your sleeve and make you want to keep it there”.
“Take this child, Lord, from Tucson, Arizona. Give her the wings to fly through harmony and she won’t bother you no more,” says Jaspar Lepak “I think Paul Simon’s singing about me. Tucson is the city of my childhood, and Minneapolis is the city where I found my wings, but for the next two years, the city I will call my home is Durban, South Africa. Songwriting is my refuge, and singing is the way I find myself in the world. In 2002, I chanced upon this road. It was a timid knock, and the dam broke: the words had been waiting for a long time.”
Since then, Jaspar Lepak has been “spilling out songs” in an impressive array of CDs: Songs for Charlie (2004), Billboard in this Faint Little Light (2005), Good Morning! Sunshine (2006), Make a Pretty Thing (2008), and Send Me Home (2010). Through her songs, she hopes to “encourage people to love more of themselves and more of others, to think with their own minds, to feel with their own hearts, and to know that they are not alone.”
The performance takes place on February 25 at 19h30. Tickets R60 at the door and a vegetarian meal is available for R50 by pre-order only. Booking is strongly recommended - contact Narene on 083 659 3628.