KZN Music House, Durban’s state-of-the-art recording studio, plans to expand its artist base by reaching out to communities and conducting talent-scouting auditions in the fields of R & B, Pop and Jazz in Wentworth, Chatsworth and Phoenix. Well-known Durban vocalist Natalie Rungan will be among the panellists.
The auditions will be held February 28 and March 1 at the Austerville Community Hall in Wentworth; on March 3 at the Bayview Hall in Chatsworth; and on March 4 and 5 at the Stan More Regional Hall in Phoenix. All auditions take place from 10h00 to 16h30. Artists may bring their own backing tracks with them, and live bands must bring their own guitars and keyboards, while drum kits and backline equipment will be provided.
Auditions will be open to individuals and groups. Those interested in applying must book an audition slot in advance by calling Sli Mabida or Ntsiki Mgwaba by 16h30 on February 25 on 031 309 6164.
Running in tandem with the auditions, KZN Music House will hold basic workshops to show entry-level artists the rudiments of microphone handling, stage presentation and co-ordination as well as engaging with an audience.
All those wishing to audition are encouraged to attend the workshops which will be free. Artists who have previously recorded are urged to bring their CD’s with them.