“Phambili” means “Let’s Go Forward” but it is also the command a rider might give to a horse to urge it forward with energy.
This title, the first of what is hoped will be an annual festival, reflects the continued energetic way forward for Stable Theatre. It also makes reference to horses and the reason why Stable Theatre is so named.
In the mid-1970’s Stable Theatre’s founder, Kessie Govender, discovered that the municipal authorities of the time allocated more money to the building of a stable for a horse than it did to the badly-constructed dwellings built for those relocated from Mkhumbane by the forced removals under the Group Areas Act. Hence Kessie Govender’s first play was called “Stable Expense” and his theatre company became the Stable Theatre Company.
“By choosing the name Phambili, we indicate Stable Theatre’s energy in “going forward”,” says Jerry Pooe, Stable Theatre’s Development Officer. “It is a place that offers many benefits for young people who are presenting themselves through theatre and we want to give the festival an urban feel.”
Phambili has a strong focus on youth and will involve more than 12 theatre groups in a programme that offers three shows per day at Stable Theatre.
In the line-up are Tears of an African Child, written and directed by Lucky Cele; Whilst We Were Dreaming, written and directed by Bhekani Biyela; The Comrade written by Tsepiso Motlatsi of TT Productions in Johannesburg and Anti-Christ written and directed by Bongani Baai.
Also on the programme is Kwanele written by Amy Jephta, directed by Themi Venturas and performed by Uthando Lwabaqulusi which is based in Vryheid. Camp 13 written by David Stein is co-directed with the cast and Jerry Pooe and performed by Just Don’t from KwaMashu.
Then there’s Wedding Goat which is written by Dhaveshan Govender, directed by Bheki Mkhwane and performed by Ubuntu from Kwa Mashu.
Written by this year’s Standard Bank Young Artist Award Winner for Drama, Neil Coppen, To Be Like This Rock is directed by Debbie Lutge and performed by Umsindo Productions from Umlazi.
Truth Heals directed by Xolani Dlongolo features Musawenkosi Shabalala and Bongumusa Shabalala.
While Phambili’s focus is on youth, the guest artist on the festival is Vivian Moodley, undoubtedly a veteran of stage, screen and radio. “When do you stop being a youth?” he asks, with a grin. “I’ve always been 17 years younger than everyone else! Seriously, I am flattered and very surprised.”
Now in his 60’s, Vivian Moodley followed the work of Stable Theatre’s founder Kessie Govender from his late teens and states that he was always “in awe of the man and his politics”. Moodley’s play, Cast the First Stone, takes a look at a major problem that confronts society - a problem that continues daily but is not so noticeable to the public eye. The sickness of child abuse, especially abuse by a parent.
On March 17 and 18 from 09h00 to 13h00, there will be workshops titled “Business in the Arts”.
Phambili Festival will be sponsored by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Department of Arts & Culture KZN, Ethekwini Municipality and Business and Arts SA.
More information from Stable Theatre on 031 309 2513 or email: stabletheatre@telkomsa.net or visit www.stabletheatre.co.za