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Sunday, April 3, 2011


The next meeting of the Live Poets Society (LiPS) takes place on April 6.

LiPS poetry events is an especially welcoming place for people who love poetry, it’s a place for geniuses, nerds, associated species, the occasional alien visitor and poetically neutral guest. Here, those who want to discuss the relative pros and cons of 21st century style contemporary poetry, verses and prose, or poetry from antiquity can do so with ease.

Those in search of interesting poetic topics revolving around medicinal marijuana, euthanasia, prostitution, politics the rise and fall of socialism and the arts won’t be disappointed. Discussions are all in a friendly nonpartisan poetic manner, the approach is to promote critical thinking with a sprinkling of poetic spice for humour.

Amongst all the hullaballoo, fine poetry emerges from the pens of scribes voicing their evocative poetic talents with exciting energy. For those on a pilgrimage to grow culturally and seeking a shift in consciousness, then let LiPS beckon you, like the intones of the Muezzin calling the followers to surrender to devotion.

The roadway arteries partnered with the city streets and cobbled stone alleyways of Ethekwini, all lead to the Point Yacht Club. It’s a place of creative energy where people can come to feel and enjoy the vibrancy of poetry being performed and know that Poetry is alive and well in this fair city of ours.

The Guest Poet for April is Natasha Rajah who will perform her works.

“I'm a wife, mother, part -time student; living in KZN,” explains Natasha Rajah. “I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. I've always had a passion for language and writing has been and still is my secret love. Poetry has been my sanity through every stage of my journey thus far. I’ve had a few pieces published on-line and a piece is published in a “passages on time” volume in the US. I spent a year in California in 2001 and this was when I first realised that what I had was worth sharing. I was nominated as international poet of the year and was also awarded Editors Choice for a piece that I posted on “”

“The writer-side of me is a part I’ve kept guarded for a long time,” she continues, “and only recently have I really let go. I’m looking forward to publishing an “anthology” that I’ve put together and I am looking forward to sharing my heart and talent with the world. My hope is that I would be able touch a life and heal people’s souls through my work.”

As most of Natasha Rajah’s work is based on the issues of life, the society has adopted her suggestion of Life, Love and Everything else as the theme for the evening.

The LiPS gathering will take place at 17h30 for 18h00 on April 6 at the Point Yacht Club on Victoria Embankment. Entrance is free. More information from LiPS Convenor, Danny Naicker, on 083 282 0865 or e-mail:-