Friends of Music’s next recital on May 31 features a cellist from South Africa and pianist from Japan, namely Anzel Gerber and Rinko Hama. Anzel is the winner of several major music competitions and has furthered her studies in Spain and Moscow. Rinko has won numerous prizes at International Piano Competitions in France, Portugal and Sweden.
The programme includes Miaskovsky’s Sonata No.1 for cello & piano, Op. 12; Shostakovich’s Adagio & Spring Waltz from Ballet Suite No. 2; Prokofiev’s Sonata for cello and piano, Op. 119, and Tchaikovsky’s Pezzo Capriccioso, Op. 62
The Prelude Player performing ten minutes before main concert is violinist Mary-Anne Broukaert. She was awarded second prize in Ethekwini Eisteddfod Competition for violin and a silver medal for duet at the same competition.
The recital will take place at 19h45 on May 31 at the Durban Jewish Centre, 44 Old Fort Road. Tickets R70 (R60 for Members and R20 for orchestral members and students). Booking is at Computicket.
To become a member of Friends of Music, contact Sandra Jones on 031 201 0711 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday between 09h00 and 12h00.
Friends of Music is supported by the National Lotteries Distribution Trust Fund.