At the next Mondays at St Clement’s gathering on May 23, author Kobus Moolman reads from his latest collection of poetry, Light and After.
An award-winning poet and playwright, educator and editor, Kobus Moolman teaches creative writing in the Department of English at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban. He has published five collections of poetry: Time like Stone (UKZN Press, 2000), winner of the 2001 Ingrid Jonker Prize; Feet of the Sky (Brevitas, 2003); Separating the Seas (UKZN Press, 2007), recipient of the 2010 South African Literary Award for Poetry; Anatomy (Caversham Press, 2008), winner of the 2008 DALRO Prize for the best poem to appear in New Coin magazine; and his latest, Light and After (deep south, 2010).
His award-winning play, Full Circle (dyehard press, 2007) premiered at the National Arts Festival in 2005 and had a successful run at the Market Theatre, before being produced at the Oval House Theatre in London, and in the United States. Kobus has also published a collection of his radio plays, Blind Voices (Botsotso, 2007), featuring a CD of the BBC production of his play, Soldier Boy.
He was editor of the literary journal, Fidelities, from 1995 until 2007. In 2010 he edited and published, Tilling the Hard Soil: poetry, prose and art by South African Writers with Disabilities (UKZN Press). He has a PhD in English Studies from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
St Clements is situated at 191 Musgrave Road on the righthand side a short way down Musgrave after the St Thomas Road intersection. Mondays at Seven run between 19h00 and 20h00. Booking is advised on 031 202 2511. There is no cover charge but there is a donations box to support presenters