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Monday, July 4, 2011


Truly a dose of chicken soup for the soul. (Review by Lyschelle Linderboom)

8 Minutes performed at the National Arts Festival was truly a dose of chicken soup for the soul.

You are taken through an emotional roller coaster with a strong cast that captivates the true essence of women telling their stories; the struggles of life as women. Themes of hope, self discovery and self worth are evident and appreciated.

Mention must be made of four talented leading women: Pamela Ndlovu, Mathapelo September, Sibongile Ngele and Tlhpang Petso , who all performed beautifully and owned their stage. Their performances were convincing and it was a pleasure to hear their stories and go through that emotional roller coaster. Their voice and body contributed to the performance immensely.

Direction of the play was well executed, the fast paced chaos juxtaposed against the still moments were powerful to watch and depicted life in its obvious form

The simplistic set consisting of a wire fence dressed with items of clothing and props, created another fourth wall that was implemented very well. The lighting, songs and dance all complimented the mood.

There were many powerful images, women covered as if in mourning the lives of women, seeking protection and shelter. A great use of tableaux singing and dance as well as mime work saw moves not always followed through. It was heartbreaking yet liberating to hear their stories as they carry the weight of the world on their sensual subtle strong shoulders.

These 8 Women should not be missed. – Lyschelle Linderboom