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Monday, July 4, 2011


Light-hearted approach to beautiful feel-good story. (Review by Lyschelle Linderboom)

Touched, presented by the Market Theatre Laboratory, is currently appearing at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.

This is a beautiful feel-good story that depicts the harshness of responsibility, choices and temptations that stain our lives. Its quality is achieved through a light-hearted approach with many humorous moments that will leave your cheeks sore by the end of the production.

This talented cast performed to their best and had a glow and energy that naturally radiated into the audience. The upbeat dialogue is juxtaposed with somewhat of a mime skit, which was just beautiful to watch!

The bilingual script is easy to follow and is truly enjoyable, the simplistic set pushed the performers to convince the audience and make us believe. Poor theatre is the vein the pumps through the play in a refreshing innovative interesting way. – Lyschelle Linderboom