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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


(Work by Naretha Pretorius)

Onthaal Onthul is an exhibition by Naretha Pretorius running in artSPACEdurban’s Main Gallery and forms part of her studies: Naretha is the Campus Co-Navigator: Academic at Vega, Durban, and is currently completing her Masters in Fine Art.

‘Onthaal’ means to welcome people. An ‘Onthaal’ can refer to a social occasion where friends, acquaintances or a community gather to celebrate a festive event. ‘Onthaal’ can also refer to a formal function or reception, which is conducted and constructed according to strictly prescribed protocols and etiquette.

‘Onthul’ is to reveal something, to point something out, to disclose or to expose something. It can also mean to lay bare one’s heart.

Onthaal Onthul will be simultaneously a commemoration, celebration and a revelation,” explains Naretha Pretorius. “It is based on my lived experiences and the perspectives that have grown out of those lived experiences. My Onthaal Onthul has been influenced by discussions with my family members, especially my mother. But this exhibition extends beyond my personal social and domestic experiences into the larger socio-cultural fabric which contextualised my childhood and young adulthood.

Catalogues will be for sale at the exhibition at R50. The catalogue contextualises the exhibition, and is presented in Afrikaans and English.

artSPACE durban is situated at 3 Millar Road (off Umgeni Road) close to the Waste Centre. More information on 031 312 0793 or visit or