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Monday, July 4, 2011


Come to Wreckage - you get to see Andrew Buckland...and more! (Review by Sifiso Sikhakhane)

What happens when you mix two award-winning Eastern Cape theatre companies together? Well, this time you get Wreckage.

After each winning a Standard Bank Ovation award at last year’s National Arts Festival, Ubom! Eastern Cape Drama Company and First Physical Theatre Company saw this as a perfect opportunity to then collaborate in this year’s Arena programme.

It doesn’t stop there. This long-awaited production features the master of mime himself, Andrew Buckland...and more.

Wreckage is a piece that speaks about how the 18th and 19th Centuries saw a great number of frail vessels shipwrecked and many of their crew and passengers cast ashore in very unfamiliar and often very hostile environments.

Award-winning director, Brink Scholtz collaborates with award-winning choreographer, Athina Vahla in creating this fresh and compelling piece which employs movement, drama and music. Both companies become one collective in this piece. Everyone dances, sings and acts. This must have been a true challenge for both companies.

Once again, Andrew Buckland does not fail to deliver. Audience members left PJ’s feeling satisfied by his brilliant performance. However, I am not quite too sure if that is the only satisfaction they got ... I guess you will have to catch Wreckage to find out for yourself.

Wreckage runs at this year’s National Arts Festival Arena Programme until July 7.