The 38th edition of the National Arts Festival will be held from June 28 to July 8, 2012, and this is a reminder of the call for proposals for the main programme for 2012.
“We are looking for new and compelling work that raises the bar on excellence and innovation in the performing arts, visual arts and cross-disciplinary arts”, said Festival Director Ismail Mahomed.
A Festival Committee comprising specialists in the various art genres will review all the proposals. Recommendations will be made to the Festival Director who will compile a programme that continues to reflect the Festival’s mission of being a leader in presenting the broadest representation of South African art forms over ten days.
Written proposals must include the following: background of the institution, artist or promoter submitting the proposal; a narrative description of the production / performance /exhibition; brief narrative biographies of the principal artists, and an artistic statement motivating why the work should be presented at the Festival in 2012. Also included should be a preliminary budget.
The following supporting materials must also be included with the proposal. Theatre: a play-script or script in progress. Music: a CD or DVD. Dance/Physical Theatre: a DVD or Video. Visual art/exhibitions should submit a portfolio (if applicable) or full details of the exhibition that is being proposed. Performance art/cross disciplinary art: a CD or DVD and any other materials that will support the proposal.
Proposals for genres which are not listed above must include samples of previous works and as much detail as possible so that the Festival Committee have all the relevant information on which to base their recommendations.
Detailed written proposals with all the relevant supporting materials must reach the Festival Director no later than August 19, 2011. Please check detailed requirements for individual disciplines on the website, www.nationalartsfestival.co.za
Written proposals can be delivered in one of the following ways: Fax: 046 622 3082 or email: ismail@nationalartsfestival.co.za or post to PO Box 304, Grahamstown, 6140, South Africa.
The Festival Director is available for consultation for further guidelines about submitting proposals for the Main programme - contact Ismail Mahomed by email at ismail@nationalartsfestival.co.za or by telephone on 046 603 1103.
The deadline for registration on the Fringe is 27 January 2012. Details about registering for the Fringe will be released at a later date.
More information on the festival by clicking the banner advert at the top of this page.