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Saturday, August 20, 2011


The KZN Music School will present a concert by a variety of string instruments titled Strings Attached which will take place at Howard College Theatre on August 22.

Since mankind first discovered that a string under tension can produce sound of varying pitch, musical instruments based on the concept have been invented and developed in different cultures all over the world.

This concert will present music by various combinations of piano, harpsichord, violin, cello, guitar, Umakhweyana bow, tea box bass, sitar and autoharp. The performers are David Smith, Géza Kayser, Liuben Gadev, Fiona Tozer, Sazi and Njeza Dlamini, Guy Buttery and Miriam Erasmus, playing works by, amongst others, Corelli, Jürgen Bräuninger and Fiona Tozer.

Strings Attached takes place in Howard College Theatre, UKZN, on August 22 from 12h15 to 13h00. Entrance to Monday lunch-hour concerts is free.