Choreographer and dance lecturer, Hugo le Roux, died in Durban yesterday (August 9, 2011). He had been ill with TB for a month or so and one lung was being treated but the TB then spread to the other lung and infection set in which proved fatal.
Tributes have been coming from far and wide – such was Hugo’s influence in the dance and theatre world. The following is from Debbie Lutge of the University of Technology Drama and Production Studies Department:
“It was with great sadness that I heard of the passing of gentle Hugo le Roux today. No more will we be blessed with the pathos of your choreography, the fluidity of your dance, the innovation in your creative designs, the gentle warmth you exuded. Hugo Le Roux taught Theatre Dance and Movement at Technikon Natal at the turn of the Century and it was indeed a loss to the Drama Department when he moved on to follow his dreams. The magic you brought to bear in your work at this Institution lives on in those you trained and I know you will be sorely missed by many. To Jannie, Hugo’s life partner the Drama and Production Studies Department extends their sincere condolences. Kind regards, Debs
Hugo le Roux and Jannie Engelbrecht did all the costume design and construction for People of Heaven hence Genbia Hyla’s poem which follows:
In Memory of Hugo le Roux by Genbia Hyla (August 9, 2011):
Gazelle-like he moved a gentle giraffe on prancing feet
That understood the rhythm and oncology of each beat
Swirled in pointed ribbons, laughingly French, his joie de vivre complete
Amassed curls haloed in the spotlight sprang grand jete with height and heat
As peering over a bespectacled balanced nose he listened birdlike to the refrains repeat
Finding each extension, each curved instep, each portabra, each miniscule posture, each detailed retreat
He choreographed out tutus for suits driven hard, dark and stark with sweat and peat
Then hesitant he sifts the core of inspiration beneath sturm und drang angst, replete
In paradigms fitting an intelligentsia buried in gold dust, the wire framed and the elite
Call encores from frilly taffeta, for swirling lifts, and precision laced and strapped and neat,
A splendor! A grande work titled “Mother” claws free to find its artistic seat
Bruised through blue gentled in smiling eyes, cigarette stained teeth - a nature sweet
That takes a final bow. Pirouetting in his cupped hands now we push delete.
Rest in Peace!”
Stage manager, colleague and friend, Steve Norminton shares some memories of Hugo: “Dance class in the foyer of the old Kwasuka Theatre whilst rehearsing SOSS. Creating the SA premiere of Lost in the Stars with Jacky Folley. Transposing scenes and musical numbers, creating a magical production. Six tons of river sand on the stage of the Courtyard Theatre and a full-sized tank made by Hugo and Jannie. Hugo rebuilt the tank for a Scottish tour ... and made it inside a garage with a piece of plastic for a door as the theatre had no workshop facilities. No fancy tools, just a screwdriver, drill and a saw. He then went on to paint the most wonderful backdrops ever for the McLean Museum in Greenock. It showed his amazing artistic flair and fooled many into thinking it was a blown-up photograph of an African landscape. Then the evenings with wine, great food and much merriment. Cherished memories! We lost an amazing man today! So sad that many of the 20somethings don't know who he was. Tragic in every possible way. That someone should die of TB in this day and age is shocking. Just glad he was with his beloved at the time. Hugo, we love you!"
The cremation service will take place on Wednesday, August 17 at 11h00 at Stellawood Cemetery. Chapel.
In lieu of flowers, suggest donations to the National Creative Arts Youth Festival to create a floating trophy for Best Choreographer. The late Professor Elizabeth Sneddon who founded the NCAYF held Hugo in the highest regard and this trophy will mean that his name will continue to endorse the work of young dancers into the future.
Bank details as follows: National Creative Arts Youth Festival, Standard Bank, Florida Branch, Branch Code: 042726; Current Account Number: 051 321 637 - Reference: Hugo.
For more information, contact Hugo’s partner, Jannie Engelbrecht, on 073 199 5114.