Friends of the Tatham Art Gallery (FOTAG) have decided to hold The Fabulous Picture Show again this year and it is hoped that artists will continue to be as generous with donations of artworks as in the past two years. This is FOTAG’s major fundraiser and the money raised goes towards the acquisition of new artwork for the Tatham Art Gallery.
For those who missed the first submission date, there is still time to get your artwork completed as work can be brought to the gallery on October 1. Entry forms will be available if should you wish to have one emailed, contact email: michelle@fotag.co.za
The following information refers to the submission of work:
The medium is open to any 2D or 3D work. The size should be no larger than A5 (A5 is half A4) 3D works should fit into an A5 cubed box. The biggest expense is framing and for this reason the Tatham cannot frame anything that is larger than A5. So remember that if your artwork needs to be mounted then it must be smaller than A5. Artwork that is larger than A5 will be hung but not framed.
A maximum of three works may be submitted per artist. Submission date is October 1 between 10h00 and 16h00 at the Tatham Art Gallery in Pietermaritzburg. If delivering your work is a problem, and as the gallery doesn’t want to discourage anyone from donating work, contact the Tatham and they will make alternative arrangements.
Submissions should be delivered to the Tatham Art Gallery, Chief Albert Luthuli Street, opposite the City Hall, Pietermaritzburg. Anyone involved in art-making, except scholars, may submit work. There is no selection –the artists are asked to use their own discretion.
The Fabulous Picture Show will be opened on November 20 and the auction will take place on November 25. The exhibition will be open every day of that week (including Monday) until the Friday evening when the final auction will take place. More information from Michelle Rall on 033 346 0822 or email michelle@fotag.co.za