Review by Margaret von Klemperer of the production at the 2011 Witness Hilton Arts Festival. (Courtesy of The Witness)
It is too horrible to contemplate where theatre in KZN would be without KickstArt. Here Durban’s finest theatre company have produced a lively, frothy production of I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change, the second longest-running show in the history of Broadway – ideal festival fare.
The four performers – Lisa Bobbert, Steven Stead, Roland Perold and Jessica Sole with music from Justin Southey and Jane Baillie – romp through the eternally fascinating subject of relationships, from dating in all its horrors through the wedding (spare a thought for the bridesmaid), the metamorphosis into parents, the years of marriage, the kids leaving home and back to dating again, this time in the twilight years.
The material is as old as time but it will resonate with everyone, and the performances lift the show to a level of excellent entertainment. Bobbert is going from strength to strength these days; it is great to see and hear Stead on the stage instead of directing others on it; and the two of them are very ably supported by Perold and Sole. Great fun. - Margaret von Klemperer