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Friday, September 9, 2011


Ismail Mahomed, Director of the National Arts Festival Grahamstown, will give a Hands On! Masks Off! talk at the Witness Hilton Festival next week. The one-hour workshop is titled Every Artist's Nightmare: Proposing a work to a management.

It will draw on what artists need to know about how festival directors operate and how to propose work to a festival director. The workshop will offer hints on how to go beyond submitting a written proposal and waiting for the inevitable letter that says either "Rejected" or "Accepted".

Workshop participants will reflect and review examples of how artists and companies have been able to move through the National Arts Festival's Fringe, Arena and Main programmes.

The workshop will take place on September 17 at 14h00 in the B Lecture Theatre at Hilton College and entrance is free.

(More information on the Witness Hilton Festival on artSMart or on the festival website)