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Monday, September 26, 2011


The next meeting of the Live Poets Society (LiPS) will feature Irene Emanuel as guest speaker.

The traveller in search of discovery with a yearning for new exotic places longing to taste and explore the customs and the way of life of different cultures the yearning can become a lifelong obsession. There is nothing mythical about poets they are a lot like travellers always with an obsession and yearning to discover and rediscover their inner landscape and reshape the terrain and explore beyond the horizon and they do all this with the power of words, unique words crafted to last for all eternity. Irene Emanuel Is such a Poet who is ever faithful to her craft and the preservation of poetry as an art to be enjoyed and appreciated.

Irene Emanuel was born in Johannesburg, where she lived until 2002, when she moved to Durban. She has always loved the rhythm and sound of words and started rhyming when she was about four years old. Irene states that Poetry allows her to get her message across with rhythmic speed and clarity and the written word is what she likes best. In 2006, Irene was Highly Commended for her short story in the Shuter and Shooter annual competition. In 2009, she was the winner of the South African Writers’ Circle Hilde Slinger Award for Poetry.

Author of A Scorpion Sings, a collection of Poems was published by Trayberry Press in 2006. She was the featured poet in Signatures and has also been published in short story anthologies, newspapers and magazines. Her poetry has also been published in Fidelities and A Hudson View. Her poem Born to Die was published in Agenda, a publication of Agenda Feminist Media. She represented Live Poets Society at Poetry Africa 2008 and was recently a featured poet in aA World Anthology of Journeys and in Poems for Haiti.

Selection of Irene’s poetry has been recently published by Osborne Porter Literary Services, in March 2011, titled Count Catula of Shadoland & friends.

The LiPS Rendezvous takes place on October 5 at 17h30 for 18h00 at the Point Yacht Club, Victoria Embankment, Durban. Admission is free. More information on Convener Danny Naicker on 083 282 0865 or e-Mail:-