Mischievous Divas is a raunchy, edgy mud-slinging musical duel to find out who is (and /or was) the most mischievous of all the musical divas. Past and current. Was it Marilyn Monroe, Eartha Kitt, Barbara Streisand or Bette Midler with a secret to hide?
“Come and join us and you be the judge of who deserves the title of the most Mischievous Diva.” Is the invitation from the Heritage Theatre in Hillcrest.
Starring Anthony Stonier, Tonya Koenderman, Marion Loudon and Lauren Dassapa, the show highlights Shirley Bassey, Liza Minnelli, Tina Turner, Julie Andrews, Eartha Kitt Beyonce, Amy Winehouse, Edith Piaf and Celine Dion linked with a catty, bitchy war of one-upmanship from word go.
An obliging and genial MC, talking about what makes a diva and where the term comes, from tries to take us through the psychological warfare that is a diva’s make-up. He really wants to sing and participate. The girls stop him singing at every turn. As the show unfolds, he realises that in order to get involved he needs to be “right up there” with the gals in order to have his “day”.
Dramatic events then ensue which shows him strutting his stuff with them all ... and the war continues.
The song list includes Never, Never, Never from Bassey, Don’t Rain on my Parade from Streisand, Rehab from Winehouse, Poker Face from Lady Ga Ga and Loved by You from Marilyn Monroe, All that Jazz and nods to Judy Garland and Julie Andrews.
Mischievous Divas runs from September 27 to October 9 at the Heritage Theatre in Hillcrest. Tickets R100 for the show only. Tickets including a two-course meal from Wednesday to Saturday at 19h00 are R190 (R165 on Tuesday at 19h00 and Sunday at 12h30). There are three "preview" specials on September 27, 28 and 29 on a “buy-one-get-one-free” basis. All prices include the good quality Heritage Theatre’s two-course meal. Bookings on 031 765 4197.