Wayne Reddiar and Sita Suzanne are two artists whose work runs along intersecting trajectories. Their exhibition, The Space Inbetween opens on September 26 at artSPACEdurban in the Corridor, Middle Gallery and Front Room exhibition areas.
Much of the work in this show is concerned with systems and binaries and how these work to constitute the self as subject.
Within this context the work aims to investigate technology and its ubiquitous nature: how it continually impacts on various systems of production ranging from meaning to identity; how it influences communication and shapes our understanding of contemporary culture; how it permeates the personal and socio-political spheres of life.
As a result of this, there is the potential for a pluralistic and continually evolving society, containing a seemingly limitless forum for the cross-pollination of ideas. The artists do not see this as an uncomplicated utopian phenomenon, but wish to explore the complexity inherent in these ideas in a non- value laden manner, keeping the discussion open-ended and exploratory. In recognition of this, a crucial aspect of this exhibition is the non-linear dialogue between the two artists’ works, where relationships can be formed between form, media and subject matter. Thus the artists hope to create a sense of open-ended interpretation, where the art objects, the space, the artists and the audience, all contribute toward the production of meaning.
The exhibition will include mediums such as print, video and sound.
The Space Inbetween runs from September 26 to October 15. artSPACE durban is situated at 3 Millar Road (off Umgeni Road) close to the Waste Centre. More information on 031 312 0793 or visit www.artspacedurban.co.za or www.artspacedurban.blogspot.com