The Old Mutual Music at the Lake series at the Durban Botanic Gardens on october 9 features a number of climate change activations before the concert begins. There will be lots of fun happening from 12h30 prior to the concert around the importance and relevance of climate change and COP17.
“Watch Warren Raysdorf painting his Sketch Warz. How about face painting, tell us what you are doing to reduce your carbon footprint and don’t miss the fabulously creative ‘trash fashion’ designed by students from Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design (CFAD). There are super prizes on offer,” invite the organisers.
The Be EPIC Concert takes place on October 9. Gates open at 12h30 and the concert starts at 14h30 with CrashCarBurn followed by Zebra and Giraffe on stage at 15h30. Early booking is advised through www.Ticketbreak.co.za in order to catch the low ticket price of R60 (R20 children 6 to 12 years). On concert day the ticket price goes up to R80.
For more information, contact the Office of the Friends on 031 202 5819 (o/h) or the Info Centre on 031 309 1170 / 031 322 4021 (weekends) Join the Facebook page - durban botanic gardens or visit www.durbanbotanicgardens.org.za