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Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The irrepressible Gee Jays, Gary McKenzie, Grant Bell and John Didlick present the final week of their smash-hit, Boep Idles.

Running at The Heritage Theatre in Hillcrest, the show is an absolute slap in the face for the TV reality show Pop Idols, and one definitely not for the fainthearted – but a real foot-stomping, thigh-slapping all-out laugh for the Festive Season. The Gee Jays pose the question – “what happened to those stars of yester year? The ones who made the big time in the 60s and 70s? Have they now got boeps of their own? We’ll tell you what happened. They’re sitting at home with a beer watching all these wanna be Pop Idols”.

No Gareth Gates or Will Young here. The show features songs from the real idols who put in the hard yards. No instant stardom, just good, old-fashioned talent. We’re talking guys like Cliff Richard, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Billy Joel, Tom Jones and many more.

Following on their success of no less than five record-breaking hit shows, and winning a Mercury Durban Theatre Award for Book Club, the Gee Jays have become a regular drawcard on Durban’s cabaret scene. Performing regularly at corporate events and social fundraisers, the masters of mirth are still plying their trade long after that bloke moved out from “living next door to Alice”.

“When we got together originally”, says McKenzie, “we decided that it had to be fun or it wasn’t worth it. We agreed that when it stopped being fun, we’d stop doing it. We’re still doing it.”

After 27 years together – with a little less hair and a little more midriff - The Gee Jays hold the unquestionable right to be doing this show. Boep Idles looks at how seemingly un-talented artists can make the big time in spite of their complete lack of talent or ability. “If they can attain mediocrity – so can we,” says McKenzie. “Come and join us on the couch.” Watch out, Simon Cowell ... and be prepared to laugh ... A lot...

Boep Idles runs until December 31 at The Heritage Theatre in Hillcrest. Tickets R100 for the show only. Tickets for show plus two-course meal R190 pp Wednesday to Saturdays (R165 pp Tuesday evenings and Sunday lunchtime)

Bookings on 031 765 4197 or online at