To end the year with celebration, a mosaic mural was begun at Caversham Press in the KZN Midlands in honour of the late artist and printmaker Gabi Nkosi and the Masabelaneni Centres.
“This is our way of acknowledging the legacy of the people in our lives and our ability to create tangible evidence of their inspiration in us,” says Caversham’s Malcolm Christian.
Well-known artist Bronwen Findlay helped teach the process to the Caversham Team and a group of young mentees from Lidgetton and surrounding communities. This seemed natural and appropriate as she was one of the first artists to work at Caversham Press in the 1980’s and had taught Gabi as a school girl, being instrumental in her coming on a Caversham residency in 2001.
The image, which combines one of Gabi’s prints entitled Caversham as I see it and the symbols from the CreACTive Centres, was designed by Sbu Mvelase, Caversham’s digital specialist. It is intended that the mural will be completed by May 2012, on the fourth anniversary of Gabi’s death.