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Sunday, January 22, 2012


Searching Africa by award -winning author David Robbins has been published by Porcupine Press.

After the return of South Africa to the international family, it became possible for David Robbins to travel regularly in other parts of Africa. He had at last, he said, been released from the bondage of apartheid into his broader home. The result of this release is Searching Africa, containing over 20 travel narratives that take the reader from the continent's expiring settler south to the Sahara and beyond. While his explorations were still in progress, Robbins published his successful Aspects of Africa (Viking and Penguin), which comprises exactly half the material now assembled. When Aspects was first published, one critic alluded to 'the mindbending and bewildering complexities of a continent marked by natural grace on the one hand and genocide on the other'. (Yves Vanderhaeghen in The Natal Witness)

Through graphic descriptions and revealing encounters, Searching Africa charts the progress of this award-winning writer through such countries as Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Zaire (now DRC), Malawi, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda (shortly after the genocide and subsequent invasion), Uganda, Brazzaville Congo, Gabon, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone (during the civil war), Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Mauritania and Morocco, searching not for 'solutions' to Africa's 'problems' but simply for the tactile experience of being at close quarters to the dramas and pains of contemporary Africa's profoundly wrenching transition.

David Robbins has received numerous awards for his writing, beginning with a CNA Literary Award in 1986 and culminating 24 years later with a Lifetime Achievement Literary Award supported by the South African Department of Arts and Culture. He is widely regarded as a writer of significant insight and ability. He began publishing in 1985. His books include travel and short fiction, as well as some biography, history and socio-political analysis

Searching Africa is published by Porcupine Press, ISBN: 978-0-9869979-1-4 Recommended retail price R249. The book is available in most Exclusive and Estirol bookshops nationwide.