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Thursday, July 19, 2012


Award winning South African playwright Mbongeni Ngema is embarking on a search for new talent to star in his musical titled No. 43.

The production, which comes as the ANC celebrates 100 years of its existence, celebrates the life of Rebecca Makgomo Masilela, popularly known as uMagogo. Described by many as the Godmother of the ANC in exile, uMagogo opened her house in Swaziland to cadres of the struggle, turning it into a home away from home for them for over 40 years.

President Jacob Zuma, John Nkadimeng and General Siphiwe Gebuza Nyanda are amongst those who are said to have lived at No. 43.

The auditions for a cast of 60 will be held at the Playhouse in Durban as well as in Gauteng at the Market Theatre, Mpumalanga at eMalahleni Civic Theatre and Swaziland at Mbabane Theatre.

No. 43 will be staged at the Market Theatre in October, the month dedicated to the life of OR Tambo in the ANC centenary celebrations.

Audition dates at the Playhouse are July 23, 24 and 25.