Following the success of the first French Film Festival in South Africa, Ster-Kinekor Cinema Nouveau Theatres along with the French Institute of South Africa and Alliances Françaises once again bring world-class French cinema to South Africans.
French films have broken box-office records in France and overseas over the last few years, earning themselves five Oscars along with a host of other film awards. Their success has also made French film-makers like Lucas Belvaux and Benoit Jacquot household names.
In line with Ster-Kinekor Theatres’ quest to bring audiences the very best in quality entertainment, Ster-Kinekor Cinema Nouveau Theatres will host the French Film Festival this month, providing audiences with the romance and artistic precision of French cinema.
Fiaz Mahomed, CEO for Ster-Kinekor Theatres, says: “We are delighted to bring the French Film Festival to local audiences, exhibited at our Cinema Nouveau theatres. We are confident that the beauty of French film will be well received and is another example of how we work tirelessly to provide quality entertainment.”
For several years, France has been engaged in a series of reciprocal Seasons with its key international partners such as China, Japan, India, Turkey, Russia and Brazil.
Mahomed says: “South Africa is the first sub-Saharan country to partner with France for the Seasons. The French Seasons include several art exhibitions including performance art and visual arts. Ster-Kinekor Theatres are thrilled to be able to contribute to this valuable and cultural partnership by hosting the French Film Festival.”
Films to be featured in Durban at Ster Kinekor Musgrave during the French Film Festival 2012 are:
August 23 at 20h00: Opening of the festival with Les Adieux à la Reine - Farewell My Queen
August 24: Poulet aux Prunes - Chicken With Plums (15h00); Zulu Love Letter (18h00), and L’amour dure trois ans - Love lasts 3 years (20h00)
August 25: Beau travail (15h00); Americano (18h00), and La Guerre est Déclarée - Declaration of war (20h00)
August 26: L’intrus - The Intruder (15h00); 35 Rhums - 35 shots of rum (18h00), and Les Bien-Aimés – Beloved (20h00)
For booking enquiries visit www.cinemanouveau.co.za or call Ticketline on 082 16789, go to sterkinekor.mobi or follow on Twitter @sktheatres or Facebook at Ster-Kinekor Theatres. Download the Ster-Kinekor app onto your Nokia or Android phone.
For information on the French Season visit www.fff.org.za