This year’s St Anne’s Cultural Festival takes place at the historic St Anne’s College in Hilton from August 15 to 22.
The professional productions which highlight the festival are as follows:
August 16 and 17 at 19h30: Sunday Morning featuring James Cuningham. The production appeared on the Main programme of the 2012 National Arts Festival in Grahamstown. (Reviewed on artSMart at http://news.artsmart.co.za/2012/07/naf-day-7-july-6-2012.html)
August 21 at 20h00: Mafeking Road featuring Mathew Lewis and Andrew Laubscher. The production appeared on the Fringe programme of the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown. (Reviewed on artSMart at http://news.artsmart.co.za/2012/07/naf-day-4-july-3-2012.html)
August 22 at 10h45: 1 becomes 2 becomes 3…. featuring Flatfoot Dance Company.
Enquiries and bookings to Lynn Chemaly, Theatre Director, on 033-3436100 or email: lchemaly@stannes.co.za for more information visit www.stannes.co.za