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Thursday, September 20, 2012


(Book cover)

Margaret von Klemperer is no stranger to KZN audiences and newspaper readers. A former arts editor of The Witness, she is now their book editor but has also covered hundreds of theatre productions with her balanced reviews.

She has recently published her first novel, Just a Dead Man. It deals with Laura Marsh, an art teacher and single mother, who is horrified when a visiting friend - a Zimbabwean refugee and an artist - finds a corpse in the plantations near her home.

When the friend, Daniel, is arrested for the murder, Laura assumes he has been pegged due to his being a foreigner. However, a connection between Daniel and the dead man emerges and the situation becomes even more complicated as some politically well-connected people are lurking in the background of the case. Resenting the police's unwillingness to look beyond Daniel for a suspect, Laura puts her own life at risk. The story of a woman trying to move on following her divorce, this crime novel also touches upon the issues of xenophobia and racism in South Africa.

Margaret von Klemperer will be signing copies at The Witness Hilton Arts Festival at the Bookworld stand at the Campbell Hall on September 22 from 12 noon until 13h00.

On September 27 at 11h00, she will be at Exclusive Books in the Pavilion to talk about Just a Dead Man, meet readers and sign copies.

Just a Dead Man is published in paperback by Jacana Media - EAN: 9781431405046