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Saturday, September 15, 2012


The Visual Arts Network of South Africa (VANSA) will host a free seminar on Copyright in the Visual Arts at the KZNSA Gallery on September 21.

The workshop will provide an accessible introduction to a complex area of law, drawing also on participant’s own experiences in this area, and are aimed particularly at visual artists. The event will be co-facilitated by VANSA staff and two legal professionals – Masilo Mawela of Luu Mawela Attorneys and Toby Orford of Toby Orford Art Law.

The Copyright in the Visual Arts seminar is free to all and takes place at the KZNSA Gallery on September 21 from 10h00 to 13h00. To confirm attendance at the workshops, email Euridice Kala at or phone 011 402 2085/6.