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Saturday, October 13, 2012


(Konstantin Scherbakov)

Friends of Music will present a recital by Russian pianist Konstantin Scherbakov on October 16.

He is the triumphant winner of the first Rachmaninoff Competition. He launched his International career in 1990 after winning an array of prestigious international competition prizes.

His programme for Friends of Music will include two works by Schubert: Grazer Fantasie D.605A and Wanderer-Fantasie D.760 as well as two works by Liszt: Totentanz (for piano solo) and Isoldes Liebestod. Completing the programme will be Danse Macabre by Saint-Saens-Liszt/Horowitz.

Prelude Performers will be the A Capella Singers from Durban Boys High School.

The concert will take place on October 16 at 19h45 at the Durban Jewish Centre, 44 Old Fort (K.E. Masinga) Road, Durban. Tickets R70 (R60 FOM members and R20 Orchestral / Students) There is safe parking. More information at