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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


(One of the exciting sights in store! Photo by Dominique Chauvin)

South Africa applauds success of the France –South Africa Seasons 2012-2013 with closing ceremony in Durban.

Earlier this year the heads of state for France and South Africa entered a multifaceted bilateral collaboration, a wide-ranging collaboration called "France-South Africa Seasons 2012 & 2013". The purpose was to improve mutual understanding and contribute to the diversification of South Africa's image in France and, in turn, France’s image in South Africa by emphasizing the modernity and values that the two countries share.

These reciprocal Seasons are led on the South African side, by the national department of Arts and Culture, with the support of a variety of government departments including Science and Technology, Trade and Industry, Tourism, Higher and Basic Education.

Bongani Tembe, South African Commissioner-General for the Seasons (who also heads the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra) hails the endeavour as a huge success both here in South Africa and in France and has far exceeded the organizers’ expectations in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.

“Two different hemispheres house these two countries France and South Africa and yet there is a distinct commonality between the two when it comes to areas of innovative economy, strong sporting traditions, scientific and technological expertise and excellent universities, for a start,” says Tembe. “The French Season in South Africa 2012 provided a unique and varied platform from whence we could both explore these common interests which resulted in the strengthening of ties between our two countries without a doubt.”

Pointing out that high levels of activity on social media platforms provided a good indication of the tremendous support by South Africans of French Seasons projects, Tembe continued: “There were over 100 projects, exhibitions, concerts, performances, colloquiums and interactive sessions which occurred across South Africa during the past six months of the French Season. Within the programme was something for everyone and from the field of arts and culture alone, the Season catered for lovers of dance, music, film, theatre literature, visual arts and a variety of music genres, where the programme appealed to young and old as well as to traditionalists and supporters of cultural innovation. The French Season in our country allowed South African’s to experience French exhibitions and performances which might otherwise never have made their way to our shores.”

The closing ceremony of the French Season in South Africa will take place in Durban on November 17, 2012, and will feature a spectacular outdoor show called Place des Anges (Angels’ Place) utilizing various buildings in the city centre, including the Playhouse and City Hall (also known as the Durban Arts and Cultural Precinct).

“Durban was chosen as the perfect destination to hold the official closing ceremony for the Season because of its large diversity of cultures,” says Tembe.”In a way never been seen before in Durban, in fact on the African continent, France’s Studios de Cirque have created the unforgettable aerial displays around the world for a decade now and this is a once in a life time opportunity for the folk of the City of Durban to come out and be the centre of the action.”

The public can expect nothing less than one and a half tons of feathers dropped down onto them by glorious angels floating across the sky above in one of the world’s most splendid aerial displays. A half an hour of extreme happiness and joy promises to be spread across all cultures and ages as these twisting and twirling angelic trapeze artists release a cascade of feathers from suitcases and umbrellas on the unsuspecting crowds below. Starting with a solitary feather, gently fluttering to earth through the darkened sky, evolving into white plumes in its wake, the onlookers will watch this unprecedented spectacle, a free show, France’s cultural gift to them.

The French Season in South Africa opened in June this year and closes officially with this event, and will be followed by the South African Season in France between May and December, 2013. This follows the request of the highest authorities in the two countries who wish to promote and reinforce strong, deep bonds that unite each in the field of culture and to establish long term relationship and to improve mutual understanding whilst contributing to the diversification of France’s image in South Africa and South Africa’s image in France by emphasizing  the modernity and values that the two countries share.

For several years, France has been engaged in a series of reciprocal Seasons with its key international partners (China, Japan, India, Turkey, Russia and Brazil among others). With South Africa, this will be the first time that a sub-Saharan country is involved in the Seasons with France.

Laurent Clavel, French Commissioner-General for the Seasons, said: “The French Season has offered South Africans a glimpse of the culture scene in modern day France, which is contemporary and dynamic, and embraces the diversity of our society. In the areas of science, education and trade, we have focused on the areas of mutual interest and once again have brought some of our most innovative work to the fore.”

More information from Tanya van Agthoven Marais on + 27 (0) 82 747 9738 or email