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Thursday, November 22, 2012


Back in From the Anger is the story of a South African troubadour who lost his voice and then set out on a journey to find it.

Roger Lucey’s life journey was changed radically by events that he only found out about, a decade and a half after they had happened. By that time there was no turning back, no returning to the original plan.

Roger Lucey was and is a troubadour, a singer, songwriter and musician whose primary mandate is to reflect, through song, the world he lives in to anyone who cares to listen. In the late ’70s the South Africa that Lucey reflected was a cruel and violent place and his songs quickly drew the unwanted attention of the State and security police. A covert operation made sure that Lucey’s music career was severely curtailed and this in when the troubadour took to other directions in search of a livelihood.

Back in From the Anger tells the story of a once promising young musician who became a barman, roadie, sound technician, news cameraman and many other things as he waded through life always trying to find the voice that he had lost.

To launch the book, Roger Lucey with Dan Chiorboli and Brendan Jury will perform at Alliance Francaise de Durban on November 23 at 20h00; Blue Stockings in Kloof on November 24 at 20h00 and Collegians Club in Pietermaritzburg on November 25 at 18h00.

Back in from the Anger by Roger Lucey is published by Jacana in paperback 978-1-4314-0453-7