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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This article on pipe organ tuning and maintenance is presented by MusicMap and aimed at boards of churches with pipe organs and organists

Are some of our Pipe Organs not working, because not enough regular maintenance is allowed regularly, yearly? If such priority would have been given timely, the cost would have been lower than now.

Like any other investment, such as your home sewing machine, your vehicle etc., the regular maintenance of a Pipe Organ is of paramount importance. We are blessed with a Pipe Organ, but we do not take care of it. It rots away and in due time is a capital problem, for which then of course, there is no money available.

The best would be if the Organist(e) be somewhat capable of identifying any small problems with an Organ. This is crucial! Not all Organists of course are gifted with that ability but it would be helpful.

MusicMap is planning to organise a meeting between church leaders, organists, organ music lovers to host a talk by a recognised Italian "Church and Concert Organ Builder". He can help and show you how to keep your Pipe Organ in top condition. Neither date nor location has been finalised. Any proposals?

Please email MusicMap if you are keen to attend. Don't let this chance go flying by!”

MusicMap is organised by Wim Mutsaerts (Organ-iser) on Blackberry 083-325 9828 or Skype: For more information visit