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Thursday, December 27, 2012


African Creative Economy Conference - Bid To Host

Arterial Network, invites bids from National Chapters and/or organizations to host one of the next three African Creative Economy conferences.

Arterial Network, invites bids from National Chapters and/or organizations that belong to National Chapters based in three regions (Central Africa, North Africa and Southern Africa) to host one of the next three African Creative Economy conferences (2013, 2014 and 2015).

As per Arterial Network’s policy, these annual conferences rotate from region to region and with East Africa (2011) and West Africa (2012) having hosted the first two conferences, National Chapters/member organizations from the three remaining regions are invited to apply to host one of these. To facilitate adequate planning and fundraising, Arterial Network will allocate the conferences - and the relevant Arterial Network business meetings attached to these – for the next three years by March 31, 2013.

The African Creative Economy conference is Arterial Network’s most prestigious annual event and we expect 80 to 100 delegates from the African continent (excluding the host country from which a further 50 to 100 delegates are expected) as well as international delegates (25 to 50) for a total of between 175 to 250 delegates, including Arterial Network National Chapter members, funding partners, creative economy experts, government representatives and other stakeholders. Hosting the event will provide an international spotlight and networking platforms to the host organization/chapter and country.

If successful, the selected organization/National Chapter should be legally and financially able to be contracted by Arterial Network to host the conference and related events. The contracted organization/National Chapter will be responsible for all local arrangements, including venue selection, catering, promotion and marketing, social events, conference documentation and reporting, soliciting and selecting exhibitors, assisting speakers and delegates with visa or travel questions - under the guidance of Arterial Network’s Secretariat. Arterial Network will be responsible for the final programming of the conference and selection of speakers, in consultation with the local organizing entity.

This bid document will guide Arterial Network’s Steering Committee in selecting the host countries and should be completed by all organisations/National Chapters who intend hosting one of the next three African Creative Economy Conferences.

Criteria that will be used to select the host organisation/National Chapter include the following:

a) Infrastructure: host venue, catering, accommodation of reasonable quality and in close proximity to each other
b) Availability of professional translation facilities (minimally English/French)
c) Ease of travel to and within the country including visa processes, airport standards, airline travel to the country
d) Safety, security and political stability within the country
e) Capacity and experience of the host organisation/National Chapter to coordinate the logistical arrangements
f) Cost (preference will be given to organisations/chapters that contribute towards the hosting of the event, including travel of delegates to the event)
g) Parallel programme (events that add value to the conference, before, after or during the conference, including high profile artists)
h) Ability to attract major media coverage of the event (local/continental/international)

2013: The dates for the Conference in 2013 are in the week of November 11 to 16. This represents at least two full conference days, followed by the day-long, fourth Biannual Conference of Arterial Network, a business meeting at which the next Steering Committee is elected.

2014: The dates for the Conference in 2014 are in the week of November 10 to15 and includes a General Council of Arterial Network.

2015: This will be the final conference in this cycle and will take place in the week November 16 to 21. This conference will be followed by the fifth Biannual Conference of Arterial Network.

Deadline for submission of bids is January 16, 2013.