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Saturday, December 1, 2012


(The tree takes on its covering, made of crocheted squares)

Today (December 1) is World Aids Day and the Hillcrest Aids Centre have come up with a great idea to raise awareness and create employment in the Valley of 1000 Hills by yarn-bombing the tree at its entrance!

Yarn bombing is the latest overseas craze in public visual art.

“Think crochet graffiti (though it’s easier to clean up and it’s mostly grannies who do it). We plan to wrap up our tree in crocheted squares made by our crafters. The squares will be sewn together around the trunk and branches; it is going to be bright, fun and empower our community through job creation,” says Jess Southey, Assistant Manager.

The Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust (HACT) is a faith based, non-profit organisation started in 1991 that supports and empowers people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. HACT is based at 26 Old Main Road in Hillcrest, KZN. Woza Moya is the income generation faculty of HACT which proactively equips people through training and job creation to be self-sufficient. Some of the organisation’s well known Dreams for Africa projects are the Dreams for Africa Chair, the Green Suit, the Little Traveller and the 4metre long beaded “African love letter”. (See

“This yarn bombing project falls under the Dreams for Africa title and is called Out on a limb,” continues Southey. “We have had wonderful support from the Department of Arts and Culture and the community. During this project we have put over R170,000 back into the community, taught around 140 of our crafters to crochet as well as 130 school children from five different schools. We have got local churches, old age homes and businesses involved by crocheted squares.”

A community involvement week was held last week the public was invited to help yarn bomb, learn how to crochet and have some tea with the organisers. HACT has brought an international concept to South Africa and is the first to do it on such a grand scale. It is expected that this will be the largest yarn bombed tree in South Africa, if not Africa.

For more information contact Craft co-ordinator Paula Thomson on 031 765 5866 or fax 031 765 8781.