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Friday, January 18, 2013


(Cobus van Heerden in one of his many disguises!)

Benson, you are my hero! (Review by Keith Millar)

Benson Schwenson is a super hero who Marvel Comics would be proud of. He is an actor, singer and dancer, as well as a self-confessed egomaniac who has tasted success around the world.

Last night he was back in Durban and at the Musho! Festival to present his web page - - and to introduce a host of outrageous and whacky friends to a very appreciative audience.

All created and performed by Durban’s own multi-talented actor Cobus van Heerden with directorial assistance from his collaborators, Liam Magner and David Gouldie, these characters are larger than life, way over the top and all hilariously funny.

The nutty characters were initially introduced via a video clip from Le Chop TV and then appeared live on stage. First up was a bible preaching and rapping grandmother, Granny Bevan. Her goal in life is to save our youth from the “devil’s lettuce”. Next we met Kirk Darren, a rather naive Afrikaans singer, who is determined to unite all the races in South Africa through his music. We were then treated to a video clip of the enthusiastic dance duo of Tich and Tazz called Dance For Life harassing people in a Durban park. By the time he appeared on stage, Tich had dumped Tazz and had morphed into a outrageously camp singer/dancer called Donni Gold.

Finally, before the return of Benson Schwenson to wrap things up, we were introduced to mixed martial arts expert and wannabe cage fighter Kevin “Cage of Rage” Grobbelaar. Kevin, who spends his time trying to teach people self defence, embarked on a very funny, and raunchy, demonstration of how to deal with sex crimes.

Cobus van Heerden is a superb comic actor. His presentation of these wonderful characters was an absolute delight and my ribs were aching from laughing long before the end of the show.

Special credit should also go to the technical team whose slick and accurate handling of the complex multimedia component of the show was spot on.

The good news is that really exists. Google it and enjoy some fun with Benson Schwenson and his crazy friends.

Benson, you are my hero!

The Musho! Festival runs until January 20 at Catalina Theatre on Wilson's Wharf in Durban. For more details visit or email For bookings, show times and details contact Catalina Theatre on 031 305 6889 or visit

Tickets for all shows R50 (R30 PANSA paid-members as well as OAPS, students and children under 12). Special all-day ticket on Saturday / Sunday - R100 per day. Twist / Fringe tickets - pay-what-you can. Children’s show R50 (R30 for children)

See the artSMart Events List for dates and times. - Keith Millar