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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Set in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Timekeepers is the most-performed Israeli piece of theatre in the world. Directed by Lee Gilat, it deals with three prisoners. There’s the garrulous and outrageously camp Hans (Roy Horovitz), the elderly reticent and tetchy Benjamin (Pinhas Mittelman) and the bullying, manipulating Kapo (Omer Etzion, who alternates in this role with Rami Baruch). All three actors give outstanding performances, each character a carefully crafted and believable whole.

“If you want to get out of here, you’d better start ticking” is the advice that Benjamin gives a timepiece from the pile of broken watches he is fixing for the Nazis. And while the watch may indeed find its way out of the camp, there is no way that Benjamin will be able to follow suit. The best horologist in Berlin, time is in his hands but he cannot manipulate it.

Suddenly, his solitary existence is disrupted by the arrival of Hans, a wannabee opera singer. He initially refuses to respond to Hans’s overtures of friendship but eventually a relationship develops until Benjamin is willingly showing Hans how to mend watches and they are arguing the virtues of Puccini and Verdi.

Identifying their status within the prisoner community, Hans has a pink triangle sewn onto his prisoner’s outfit labelling him a homosexual. Benjamin has a yellow star because he’s Jewish. The Kapo has a green inverted triangle showing that he is a criminal but he’s also a prison functionary which gives him authority over the other two.

Written by Dan Clancy, the play provides an insight into concentration camp life and the fears and hopes of prisoners wrenched from their families and loved ones.

There are only two performances of Timekeepers in Durban and these will take place at Seabrooke’s Theatre, Durban High School, on March 3 at 18h00 and March 4 at 19h30. The price of the ticket includes refreshments after the show and a “meet and greet” with the cast. Bookings can be made on 031 368 6833 by e-mailing