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Thursday, March 28, 2013


(Marc Kay, Adam Dore and Clinton Small)

The Actors Unemployed Company is BACK! Distressed and dismayed with the state of theatre in South Africa, they have found the culprits behind the country’s current cultural dilemma … YOU!

“Come and be educated in the proper manner in which to attend theatre, how to worship your actors, and be amazed at the range of entertainments you can enjoy at a theatre!” say Marc Kay, Adam Dore and Clinton Small, the cast of Guide to the Theatre!

“Drama! Comedy! Farce! Dance! And Musicals! All performed lovingly, and with great talent and skill by three young men (who sometimes wear dresses) who aren’t at all interested in stealing your wallet or your daughters! Come and watch the AUC’S Guide to the Theatre!”

Directed by Darren King, Guide to the Theatre! runs until Sunday, April 7, at 19h30 at Seabrooke’s Theatre. Tickets R80 booked through Ailsa on 083 250 2690.