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Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Voyages and Journeys: DCG 136 Years On is the latest Durban Girls College production which runs from March 18 to 20 with a special Old Girls’ performance on March 17.

Wendy Mason has researched and written the script with choreography and costume designs by Kenlynn Sutherland. Jeff Judge has done the musical arrangements and Ronel Perks is the Musical Director. There is a live band of 12 musicians- including a violin solo from Hristo Kardjiev, formerly leader of the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra with a solo dancer. Greg King has designed the set and Darkhorse Productions are on sound with Michael Broderick handling Lighting Design.

This year DGC is 136 years old and the production team has created a show of narration , music, song and dance that sees the girls of College Past meet the girls of College Present - they swop stories and insights about their lives. Mason has gathered stories of the past from old girls’ memories and the school Archives and has worked with the girls of 2013 in terms of updating the dialogue to where “they are” today. The cast and crew will total about 60.

“There are truly fascinating snippets of information,” says Mason” Girls riding horses side-saddle to the original school in Russell Street in 1877 from Isipingo, and then the move of the school to Musgrave Road in 1906 when the Berea was tropical bush with snakes and cattle about! We have selected music and songs which span over 100 years to compliment the stories. It’s a celebration of the young women of yesteryear and today, and a tribute to the dedicated founders, teachers and principals of DGC!”

Voyages and Journeys runs in the DGC Centenary Hall, Musgrave Road, from March 18 to 20 at 19h00. Tickets R80 booked through Jacci Lewis on 031 268 7239 or