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Saturday, April 27, 2013


Responding to an untold history of persecution.

The Durban Holocaust Centre (DHC) has brought to South Africa the exhibition, In Whom Can I Still Trust, which explores the Nazi persecution of homosexuals.

Redesigned and developed for South Africa, the exhibition makes use of archive photographs, personal testimonies and video clips and relates the historical narrative to the prejudices still facing homosexuals today. Developed by Dr Klaus Mueller, Berlin, on behalf of IHLIA (Homosexual and Lesbian Archive, Amsterdam), the exhibition highlights the largely untold history of the persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany.

Through additional panels, the exhibition aims to highlight the progress made in ensuring the protection of sexual minorities in South Africa.

Despite South Africa’s Constitution and Bill of Rights, which safeguards the rights of all to be protected against any form of discrimination, homophobia and prejudice towards members of the lesbian and gay community is still widespread in South African society. Attacks on lesbian women and gay men are frequent and school learners, whose sexual orientation is other than heterosexual, encounter terrible prejudice.

Videos from the It Gets Better South Africa project will form an important part of the In Whom Can I Still Trust exhibition. A diverse group of high profile individuals have teamed up with students from the University of Cape Town and University of Pretoria to create a collection of videos that discourages homophobic bullying.

Through its programmes, the DHC is committed to using the platform of history to engage with contemporary issues. It is to this end that the Centre is hosting the exhibition and providing NGOs, academics, teachers, learners and government departments with an opportunity to discuss and raise public awareness of discrimination based on sexual identity.

In Whom Can I Still Trust runs until May 31 at the DHC, Corner KE Masinga and Playfair Roads. Opening times Sunday to Friday from 09h00 to 16h00 (closed on Saturday). Admission is free of charge.