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Thursday, June 6, 2013


The next meeting of the North Coast Art Group (NCAG) will take place on Saturday (June 8) when Jane Digby will be the demonstrator. Her subject is portraiture and she will work on a large scale so that everyone will be able to see. The demo will most likely be ‘part of the painting’ as it is virtually impossible to paint a whole portrait in an hour or two.

Digby comments about her work: “What drives me is the painting process … the love of painting, the high I get … the moulding, manipulating, creating something from nothing and probably the smell of turps and oil! I am Inspired by the people in my life, broader community and especially those met on my travels; each with their own unique qualities, characters, emotions and impulses.

“Using portraiture is a way to play and experiment with paint, to explore new techniques, to learn how to express myself and how to interpret my own emotional response to the person who I am painting.  In the process, I hope to build a closer relationship with the subject and then ultimately for viewers to also feel the same.

“I am particularly interested in the play of light, colour and texture. I am inspired by the Old Masters (Van Dyk, Rembrandt), Matisse and South African artists Irma Stern and Maggie Laubscher and many contemporary artists, too many to name. I paint in a spontaneous, intuitive manner. I try to paint rather for the moment, letting my brushes and palette do the work!”

The NCAG meeting takes place on June 8 at 09h00 for 09h15 at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament Hall in Glenashley. Contact Rowena Wilkinson on 031 566 6910 or 072 148 8194.

For more information visit Jane Digby’s website on or call 082 486 2126