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Thursday, June 13, 2013


Durban can expect a Russian cultural feast next week (June 18 and 19) when the Stars of the Ballet Moscow perform in celebration of  great Russian composers Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov in the Playhouse Opera.

Following a successful South African tour in 2011, the company returns with a magnificent new programme devised for the South African tour by former Bolshoi Ballet director, Yuri Vetrov

The first act features music by Rachmaninov with the one-act ballet Paganini, Adagio from Symphony No 2 and All by Myself. The second act - a salute to Tchaikovsky - features extracts from classical masterpieces Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty.

The 16-strong company is led by husband and wife team Anna Ivanova and Alexander Alikin. Other soloists are Maria Sokolnikova, Maria Kylueva and Konstantin Marikin. Ivanova and Alikin both worked as principal dancers for the Imperial Russian Ballet with a repertoire that includes Swan Lake, Nutcracker, Don Quixote and Romeo and Juliet.

Vertov completed his choreography degree at the Moscow State Academy in 1967 and then joined the Bolshoi Theatre as principal dancer. 1n 1980 he went to the Leningrad Conservancy of N A Rimsky-Korsakov, where he trained under the direction of world-renowned choreographer, Y Grigorovich. He completed his ballet master training at the Bolshoi Theatre in 1982.

Vetrov was the creator of the television film ballets Adagio and This Wonderful World and has choreographed many concert ballet scenes, miniatures and the dancing scenes in the operas The Spanish Hour (M Ravel) and the Masquerade Ball (D Verdi).

Stars of the Ballet Moscow comes to South Africa thanks to Russian impresario Edouard Miasnikov, himself an honoured artist of Russia, who founded his artistic agency in 1992 to widen the cultural exchange between Russian and South Africa. He has brought numerous productions to the country, including dance, music and ice shows.

“Ballet and dance is a form of art which is loved and understood in all corners of the world,” says Miasnikov. “It knows neither regional nor language barriers. People of all different nationalities, cultures and religions come together to be touched by a world of exquisite sound and visuals.”

The performances take place on June 18 and 19 at 19h30 in the Playhouse Opera. Tickets range from R140 to R250 and are limited so early booking is advised through Computicket.