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Friday, August 23, 2013


(Recipient of the Durban International Film Festival Award for Artistic Bravery Jahmil XT Qubeka for his film “Of Good Report”)

The recent Durban International Film Festival attracted major local and international media exposure when the Film and Publications Board refused the screening of the opening night film, Of Good Report, leaving the audience and organisers in various stages of anger and confusion.

Following the refusal to classify Of Good Report, the Film and Publications Board reversed their decision and gave the film an R-Rating of 16 on July 27. The film was not screened in any of the festival’s allocated slots as a result of the refusal for classification and so could not be considered for the DIFF competition.

International Jury member, June Givanni on behalf of the International Jury also gave reason as to why the film directed by Jahmil XT Qubeka could not be considered for competition by saying “As a jury, we were privileged to be taken on a global journey through cinema, and we would like to thank Peter Machen and the Film Festival programmers for this great honour. However, we have to express our regret that this journey could not include the South African competition entry Of Good Report, which the Film and Publication Board did not license for public screening in time for us to take it into consideration. The jury is saddened and concerned about the limitations to freedom of expression that are still in force on the continent and beyond, but we are glad that on this occasion the decision has been over-turned.

Professor Cheryl Potgieter also gave special mention and a prize to Festival Manager Peter Machen for his outstanding work during the festival and acknowledging his contribution to the festival as a whole. The Deputy Vice Chancellor of Humanities also touched on the currently vacant post of the Centre for Creative Arts directorship stating that the position was being advertised and that an appointment would happen soon.

The Durban International Film Festival acknowledged the film’s achievements in stimulating worldwide debate and highlighting important issues in South African society. Festival manager Peter Machen therefore announced a new annual award for Artistic Bravery, the first of which was given to Of Good Report director, Jahmil XT Qubeka. The film was screened on the last day of the festival.

The Durban International Film Festival received principal funding from the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund.