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Saturday, August 3, 2013


(Jonathan Judge (sax), Daniel Sheldon (trumpet), Johan Van der Molen (baritone) back: David Langley (keyboard) front: Raul Vasquez (vocals).)

Manteca Durban’s Afro Cuban Salsa Project comes to the Centre for Jazz and Popular Music on August 7.

Manteca is an Authentic ten piece Afro-Cuban Salsa ensemble. This fiery and kaleidoscopic band, complete with its very own Cuban dance instructor (Raul Vasquez on vocals), is set to take the Durban music scene, spin it around and set it on fire!

Manteca was born in the dark practice blocks of UKZN solely as an Ensemble option in the Jazz Department in 2010. It has since gone through many changes. The past few years have seen it disperse at the university and reassemble out of the former ashes with some new players, voices, faces and moves.

Manteca is set to consume the Durban Salsa Scene with a new type of heat. Join the fiery ensemble: which is made up of David Langley (piano) Mark Momply (bass), John Drace (congo), Jose Alberto Chemane (timbalis) Jonathan Judge (tenor) Johan Van der Molen (baritone) Daniel Sheldon (trumpet),Rod Choromanski (guitar), Raul Vasquez (vocals), Sam Marais (vocals).

The performance takes place on August 7 at 18h00 (doors open at 17h30). Entry fee R35 (R20 pensioners and R10 students). A cash bar is available. The Centre for Jazz and Popular Music (CJPM) is situated at Level 2, Shepstone Building at UKZN Howard College Campus. More information from Thuli on 031 260 3385 or email