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Friday, August 9, 2013


A Fitting Tribute! (Review by John Harley)

We Are The Champions, currently running at the Barnyard Theatre at Gateway is a tribute of all tributes, as the music of some of our greatest pop icons is celebrated~ Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, Pink and Freddie Mercury!

These artists have dominated the charts and influenced the music world immensely, and can quite justifiably be referred to as "Champions of the World". The show is about showmanship and the passion of these Barnyard performers paying homage to every nuance of these champion icons.

I perceived this as a show of two halves - the first being a rather slow, tentative "testing of the ground" as it were; and slowly building to a vibrant, energetic crescendo that had the audience dancing on their tables!

On entering the theatre my heart dropped when I saw more or less the same stage setting, same pre-production lighting ... and I had visions of (alas) the 'same old'. The basic format of the singers entering and exiting one after the other after each number was also the order of the day, and I thought ... been there, seen that!

At this point the only powerful force on stage was Yvette Barnard - and she remained such throughout the show; a dynamic, energetic, unpredictable force to be reckoned with.

Then things changed! The pace picked up dramatically and the cast upped their game! What a welcome relief! The show became a delight, with high levels of energy, dynamic use of stage, lovely dancing, exciting lighting effects and performances that raised the rafters! The costume changes were also most effective! Well done!

Singling out individuals in such an ensemble presentation is always difficult. However, Yvette Barnard shone like a bright star - she was totally explosive, dominating her space with every ounce of her energy and personality. Danny Goodman also came alive and thrilled the capacity audience with a wonderful impersonation of Michael Jackson, bringing the house down with his classic moon walk!

NOW contrast and surprise (central elements to any dramatic presentation) was in full abundance. The musicians also started strutting their stuff with solo performances that were delightful! Kirsty Madgin must now step into the limelight more - she is clearly ready to step it up a notch - she must have a solo piece!

All in all, in the end, a most enjoyable musical experience.

I DO have a few small criticisms; eg singers, don't fidget with your hair and costumes; careful of drowning out beautiful, soulful numbers like Summertime with music that is just too forceful and USE your entrances and exits more effectively - don't just stroll on and mince off - make a statement! Tina Turner exploded onto the stage if my memory serves me right!

A production to be proud of and will most certainly draw in audiences! Well done.

Tickets are R140 per person from Wed to Sat, with discounts of R105 every Tue and R95 for Sun matinee shows. Booking and enquiries through The Barnyard Theatre on 031 566 3045, e-mail: or visit - John Harley