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Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Whisper from the Heart Poetry Club, an international literary organization based in Bronkhorstspruit, South Africa, wishes to invite talented and creative pupils/students to enter their annual literary competition!!

Categories to enter include:
Poetry (limited to 32 lines)
Short Stories (limited to 2,000 words)
Art (A4 & A3 sizes)
Photography (electronic entries accepted)

There are prizes in each category in both primary and high school entries. Teachers responsible for entering the most entries for their school will also receive a cash prize.

A book of verse and short stories is to be published after the competition and all entrants are welcome to have their work published. A CD/DVD with the art & photo entries will also be made and all entrants are welcome to have their art and photos published on the CD/DVD.

This is an opportunity and a gateway to exposing the talents of gifted children.

Contact our office for the rules & information or visit our web site
A fee of R10 per entry is payable for each entry. Email: or For more information on 013 932 3182 or fax 086 743 8470.

Closing date is September 30 of each year.