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Monday, September 9, 2013


AFDA Film, TV and Performance School (Durban Campus) will participate for a second year at The Witness Hilton Arts Festival from September 12 to 15 . It will be situated in the classroom in the Crookes Block adjacent to the Tops Spar Long Table. Next to the corridor coming from the Medics and Red Alert Station.

This year, AFDA again offers short workshops and screenings of some of AFDA students’ short films. Entrance is free but seating availability is limited and access will be granted on a first come first served basis. Patrons are urged to arrive on time before the door closes so as not to disrupt the workshop/ screening.

September 13 during the JONGOSI festival: 10h30 - Workshop: Directing and Shooting a Movie by Richard Green, Head of Film (40 min) and 13h00 - Workshop: Performance for Stage vs Performance for Screen by Amy Barns, Screen Acting Lecturer (45 min)

September 13 to15 as part of MINDSCAPE:
Friday at 16h00: Short Film: Wonderwerker

11h00 - Short Films: Aquarius and Purgation (25 min)
12h30 - Workshop: Performance for Stage vs Performance for Screen (45 min)
14h30 – Short Film: Kanyekanye (Foreign Student OSCAR Nominee 2013) (26 min)
16h00 - Short Films: Jean Pant and The Amazingly Ordinary Story (26 min)
18h30 - Short Film: To The End (38 min)

11h00 - Short Documentary: Crumbs (25 min)
12h30 - Workshop: Performance for Stage vs Performance for Screen (45 min)
14h30 - Short Films: My Baby Girl and The Amazingly Ordinary Story (26 min)

AFDA officials will also be available for any prospective students to find out more information about AFDA's courses and specializations and sit down with a lecturer/member of staff between screenings to have an interview. To book an interview slot in advance, email with the subject "Interview at Hilton". AFDA can assist in explaining in greater detail its degree course and specializations within Film, TV and Performance.

More information from Milena Gevers, Marketing Officer, AFDA Durban Campus on 031 569 2252 or fax 031 569 2317, email: or